SDRR Launches a new recruitment campaign

Over the last 6 months the club has been developing a new process for reaching out to other runners who may not be aware of the benefits of club running and or are also not aware of the club. Andy Hawtin has been the key committee member responsible for this development so pleases feel freeContinue reading →

Over the last 6 months the club has been developing a new process for reaching out to other runners who may not be aware of the benefits of club running and or are also not aware of the club. Andy Hawtin has been the key committee member responsible for this development so pleases feel free to talk to him on club nights about the scheme.
The scheme involves all club members having a supply of new club business cards which you can simply pass out to runners you see who might be showing an interest in the sport.  Supplies of the cards are now available from Andy, or any other member of the club committee on any Wednesday evening. The scheme offers new recruits a four week period of free membership before they have to commit to joining the club – in effect they are being offered a chance to try out the club for free.
Please take part in the initiative and help us to grow the club into one of the most respected running clubs in the region