Standard Times Scheme

What is it? The idea of the standards scheme is to give the clubs runners a goal as an incentive to improve their training and their times. A runner who meets one of the standards will be rewarded at the end of the year with a certificate appropriate to the standard they achieved.  For 2014 the scheme willContinue reading →

What is it?

The idea of the standards scheme is to give the clubs runners a goal as an incentive to improve their training and their times. A runner who meets one of the standards will be rewarded at the end of the year with a certificate appropriate to the standard they achieved.  For 2014 the scheme will start March 16th and finishes Dec 31st.

How does it work?

Time standards are for both genders and for each age category – your age category will be determined by your age at the start of the year.  There are 11 mens and 10 ladies race distances for you to work at, ranging from 5k to 50Km, the standards are DIAMOND, GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE.  Find your age category, choose the distance and read off the corresponding time for that ‘Standard’.  That’s it!


To be awarded a certificate you must complete at least three of the distances of one standard.  All times must be achieved at recognised athletic affiliated events with accurately measured courses i.e. RACES WITH A RACE PERMIT (No fun runs, off-road courses or cross country events).  Official chip times only.  Proof may be required.
For male standard times click here
For female standard times click here
If you achieve a ‘Standard’, send your information to Adrian Middleton, stating your category, the race, distance and time. Once verified he will then add this to the standard times record which will be updated monthly.  Good luck!

Submit your times using the form below